Thursday, October 30, 2014

6 steps for songwriters to improve intuition + make potential viral video.

Songwriters and students of the craft;

Here's a fun(ny) 2-in1 exercise for you to sharpen your artistic sensitivity, and create content for potential viral video at the same time.

1. Get guitar or piano handy. 

2. Setup laptop or tablet on music stand or display where you can toggle screen in between playing and singing. 

3. Open new tab or mobile application, pull up your Facebook profile wall.  

4. Begin to improvise setting compositions of music and melodies to each of the newest posts from friends in your newsfeed. 

5. Have a friend, or your mom, film this exercise. 

6. Upload and share your best, most hilarious clips of tunes with the hashtag #mytownMyFeed on Facebook, Twitter, or Insta and tag me and/or @MyTownMusic. 

Your welcome. 

Corey Ferrugia 
