Friday, July 26, 2013

Exploring the Power of A Song: more than music.

We all know what a song is... don’t we? I mean we hear them practically everywhere and anywhere we go in public. We’re constantly filling our ears with all sorts of tunes tailored to whatever best suits our likeness in all facets of life; be it the drive home from work, exercising at the gym, surfing the web at your favorite local cafe, or when you’re enjoying a peaceful moment in the privacy of your own home. Maybe if you’re like me, you might even feel like whenever you’re choosing your favorite album or compiling just the perfect playlist to listen to, you are choosing music that sets the “scene” of your life as it passes by as if it were a movie.

But what is it that makes a song, a song? ...we’ll get to that in just a bit. 

My name is Corey Ferrugia. Not only am I an avid music lover, but I have the privilege and honor to have a career as a full time music artist as well. I am a professional session player, performer, singer/songwriter and as an educator I teach and develop young artists ranging from early childhood to adult ages. In my earlier days as an aspiring musician, I fell into teaching both publically and privately to simply “make money” as I was figuring out what I “really wanted to do”. But as that journey continued, I had no idea what I was getting myself into... in the best way(s) imaginable. Specifically, in how the art of composing songs changed everything for me both personally and professionally.

I remember it very vividly the moment when I came to the revelation where I shifted swiftly from the traditional paradigm from “teaching music lessons”, to empowering students to experience music artistry through the lens of creating their own original works/songs. My students all still learned music language (theory), instrument and vocal technique... but over time, lessons and classes manifested into a catalog of works they had to show for with original pieces of their own. That was when I “retired” from teaching, at the age of 26. From then on, I have only been an artist; be it performing, composing, recording, or now... a learning artist

Finale photo of all student and professional artists that took the stage at the showcase in Southern California.

Click this link to see a short video as a glimpse of how this paradigm is being cultivated here in Southern California:
Southern California Artist Showcase

As much as it’s truly amazing and completely fulfilling to to see all of my students experience what I am sharing with you now, I have come to discover...  there’s even more! Specifically as it relates to empowering human potential and growth, the power of a song is capable of teaching us about many other domains of life.

Johannes (10yo) crating lyrics for the melody he just created for his original songs.

Allow me to take a stab at framing a bit more of what I mean with this simple table chart below. On the left column you’ll see my definitions of the key elements of a song. I am aware that there are other parts of a song that could easily and justifiably be included, but for the purposes of showing the parallel correlation to life skills, please accept my definition for now. I’d welcome your ideas however!

Key Element of a Song
Life Learning
Melody is the most unique property of a song. In all of the varieties within the pop context of music anyway, it’s a combination of lyrics (words) and a tune; primarily one that stands out and is more memorable above all other musical elements.

Individuality and Personality - in all of the valuable lessons and skills we could teach our younger generations, identity seems to be the most difficult truths to get young people to discover and find peace with.

By understanding the importance of a melody in a song, It is a perfect conceptual relationship to help a young individual realize the value of their own uniqueness.
Harmony is the blending of multiple notes into one cohesive sound in order to establish a base or foundation for the melody to be supported by.

Community or Oneness of Group - with mass marketing messages communicating strongly for individuals to focus on self-serving and islanding ideals, the reality is that we are better together and and most of life begs that we function in communities.

By connecting the powerful relationship amongst complementing sounds, instruments, and voices, it’s a clear and simple tool to help elevate awareness and sense of community.

Form is the structure of the song. Just like in any story, it has to begin and go somewhere, and have something in between. It’s the process or journey of how a certain “musical story” is told and how it frames what is being communicated.
Order - there’s order and structure in all of life. Be it in a school, work, family, or relational environment... there’s always a framework, for us to then freely explore and operate in. But with no order, a potentially unproductive, destructive, and harmful environment is created.

Through experiencing the success that comes from a craftful awareness and use form and how it functions in the songwriting process, that connection can be easily leveraged to show the value of structure, or order in all facets of life.

Genre - the unique style or specific kind presentation of the song. Think about how you organize and access all of the kinds of music on your favorite digital media player or device.

Culture - though culture is commonly thought of in the context of geographical, societal, and religious segmentations of people (though very important), it can also be understood in other domains like in businesses, churches, homes, schools and communities.

By listening to different kinds of music and being able to identify where its’ origins and relatedness together, it would make way for an easy introduction and powerful lens to teach an individual or group about any kind of culture.

One of my best friends and mentor, Dr. Carroll Rinehart, has always led and empowered me best not with great answers, but with great questions. Allow me to attempt to do the same... whether or not you are a musician or songwriter, I’d like to pose to you the following questions to see what might be your revelations and discoveries could be as it relates to how the power of a song can create a significant impact on individuals, from your perspective. 

  • How can a song be connected to other domains of learning and life?
  • What is actually happening in the process of writing song from a neurological standpoint?
  • What are all of the social issues that could be solved through the power of a song?
  • What might be your question regarding the power of a song that could potentially evoke a change you might be seeking?

Would love your ideas, questions, and feedback. I look forward to hearing from you! 


Corey J. Ferrgugia

Artist | Founder & Leader of MyTown Music®

1 comment:

  1. About Corey Ferrugia...
    I honestly don't why I am writing this as it is so obvious but with the complete lack of self awareness someone needs to speak the truth to you Corey or should I call you Magical Mystery Mentally ill CoRey. I actually hope your curiosity leads you to wellness but right now you're a security guard, cannabis smokin bum that would be living on the streets or back living in Arizona with your mom if it wasn't for your wife or sugar momma. Less is more... your content on your channel and soundcloud is a literal pu pu platter of trash and don't get me started with the instagram emojis... It's all a load of hoarding, tasteless nonsense from a never has been narcissist. I can't even go on and claim that you are washed up because you never were in the first place. It may be hard to come to terms but you're too old to be a popstar and not talented enough to be a breakout singer/musician. The amount of autotune is embarrassing but obviously needed from your live and your proposal video. Claiming to be "awake" when in fact you've lost all grounding. Who would look up to you? Seriously, look back a few years back it's been a downward spiral. Now you're recording private conversations without the others knowing then posting it is not cool. Basic common sense. Trying to wheel and deal and secretly profit and offer people blogs for huff post I KNOW and guarantee you Arianna Huffington would NOT be cool with. You'd be blacklisted. Your TEDtalk was a self serving joke of a presentation. In the past charging people 250 an hour for "artist development" when yet you have no development yourself. It's sad but obvious people caught on as the clients dried up. Your self claimed "magic" is deception and delusion which will probably lead to the third "d" divorce. It's all smoke and mirrors. You can go on iTunes and the only fan review for your biggest song "Paradise" is your wife. I can literally go on and on but that pretty much explains it all and is ironic as anyone can see "trouble in paradise" coming soon...
